Searching in Silence
“Some write books to make money. Some write to look good. Others write because they must. The latter write from a deeper well. They write because something dormant has been awakened. They write with a newfound awareness, of themselves and the world. They have crossed a threshold where the current of courage flows that little bit more fluently. They write beyond themselves. A place where making a difference becomes more important to them than looking good.” Philip McKernan – Author & Healer
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My name is Vipul (V for short). I host a podcast called Soul Wisdom Stories, I love writing and coaching. My conversations invite you to look beyond the surface and really begin to discover who you are at your core.
dear soul searcher,
this is for you.
searching for who i am
searching for why it was me
searching for what pain means
searching for hope searching for faith
searching for beauty
searching for love
searching for purpose
searching for destiny
searching for meaning
searching for closure
searching for my soul
searching and searching with no end in sight
because no answer seems right,
so here i am still searching,
searching in silence.
if you’re searching too,
maybe we can do it together.
A letter from me
Dear soul searchers,
I’m writing this message to bring you context about how and why ‘Searching in Silence’ came to be. This is a window to my path so far.
When I look back, I realise I never quite fit into a box at any stage of my life. And that felt horrible. It felt like being different was bad. Something was wrong with me and I wasn’t good enough to deserve what others experienced.
At times I changed who I was to fit in. While being a chameleon has its place, I was changing at the expense of denying my authentic self. My biggest fear was; If I reveal who I truly am, would I be rejected by everyone?